Friction Is No Longer An Issue with Black Amalgon
Black Amalgon was designed specifically for the pneumatics industry to reduce friction and increase durability. Pneumatics are often used in caustic, or corrosive environments so in addition to reducing friction, the tubing must be corrosion-resistant and durable. Amalga’s customized solutions are specially designed to address all of these critical factors of the pneumatics industry.
Why composites?
Composite tubing increases pneumatic equipment’s durability, while also reducing its proneness to friction. When steel is traditionally used for pneumatic applications, it is costly to constantly hone steel to reduce friction, but when composite materials are used, near-constant maintenance is not required. Amalga has developed its product Black Amalgon as a solution to these issues as the tubing self-lubricates its interior surface so that it performs like a recently honed surface.
Why Choose Amalga?
Due to Amalga’s long-standing experience with composites and our extensive, available stock, we have the capacity to work with you to swiftly create a customized solution for any challenges you may encounter with the development of your Pneumatics product.
Black Amalgon, Vinylester + Gel Coat = Reduction in Friction
Black Amalgon was designed by our doctoral-level engineers in order to solve a problem in pneumatics. Traditionally, pneumatics used steel which was always a costly option as steel is heavy, and cannot be honed smooth enough to be truly efficient. Composites allow for near-perfect honing and a reduction in friction, however, Black Amalgon takes that to another level entirely. This proprietary process of combining vinylester with a gel coat reduces friction greatly, meaning less wear and tear on parts. This translates to less maintenance and savings for end users. Because it’s a composite, it’s also lighter, stiffer, and stronger than steel and much more cost-effective.