Reliable Solutions That Meet the Highest Standards
Failure is costly, and we understand that. If one frac plug fails, it costs you in excess of $100,000 per hour. We understand that your time and money are valuable, and have created a product that can withstand pressure, corrosive environments, is lightweight, and cost-effective. Amalga’s tested technology has had a marked impact in frac plug production, leading to unmatched reliability.
Why composites?
Composites are strong, capable of withstanding the rigors of drilling and fracking. They are the most corrosion-resistant option, superior to steel and aluminum and reduce the rate of failure to almost zero, which saves you time and money. Composites are also lightweight enough to increase drilling speeds to improve output so that clients can maximize their production. In an industry with high standards of performance, Amalga’s composite tubing can be customized to fit the demanding needs of oil and gas operations.